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The Institute was founded in 1964 as the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics. Its main achievements are in the field of control theory, pattern recognition and process control and bionics. Among them are Open-pit Mine Transport Control System, Cancer Cell Recognition System, etc.

Corr. Member,
Prof. N. Naplatanov
(1923 - 1993 �.), PhD


In 1978 the Institute was transformed into Institute of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics founded by Acad. Angel Angelov. Microprocessor-based control and pattern recognition systems formed the main research and development activities at the Institute. In many application areas the Institute was pioneer not only in Bulgaria but also in the COMMECON countries. Many specialized and general purpose systems were developed and produced at the Institute. Attention should be paid to products, such as: MIC control systems, ISOMATIC industrial controller, ISOMATIC-WR welding robot, TRASY-20 and TRASY-30 transport control system, MIC-2000 distributed control system, 8-bit Apple-II compatible personal computer, IBM AT compatible industrial computer, multi microprocessor and multi microcomputer fault tolerant systems, etc. A lot of specific applications were developed and implemented in the industry based on the products listed. Along with the development of industry implemented products research on some theoretical aspects of the topics of interest was made to support the product's refinement.

1990 - 1994

After structural reorganization in 1990 the Institute of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics was transformed into six technical institutes. During the period of 1990-1994 these institutes developed their investigation in their respective fields of endeavor. The most significant achievements during this period are: over 23 patents in the USA, Canada, UK, Sweden, Austria, France, Australia, etc. awarded with gold medals in the USA, Canada, etc.; industrial applications of transmanipulators, low-cost automation facilities, control units of industrial robots: CU RB 241B, CU RB 242B, RB 250 - exported to COMMECON countries; development of methodology, architecture and application software and their practical implementation in a great number of systems: MIC 2000C, BETONCONTROL, MIC 85, MIC 86, MICSCAN, RISK 16 - these products were highly appreciated in more than 40 leading plants and exported in Russia, Ukraine, China, etc.

Last update: August 2021