- Feb. 2013 - Jan. 2015: International Project supported by European Commission Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection - ECHO "Simple Management of Risk Through a Web Accessible Tool for EU Regions ECHO/SUB/2012/638449" - Acronym: SMART WATER. Project scope is dedicated on implementation of Internet based flood decision support tool in support of the civil protection engineers on the territories of the partner countries: Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Greece.
- Feb. 2012 - Jan. 2014: International project under the Greece-Bulgria territorial cooperation program 2007-2013, accepted under priority axis: Quality of Life and area of intervention: Protection, Management & Promotion of the Environmental reseources. Project name:"Open Protocols and tools for the education and Training of voluntary organisations in the field of Civil Protection, against natural Dissasters (forest fires) in Greece and Bulgaria", acronym: "OUTLAND". With main tasks on wildland propagation behaviour modelling in the area of Zlatograd and volunteer groups education.
- Jan. 2011- April 2013: GOES (Good On Emergency Situation - in cases of road infrastructure damages). European Commission, DG ECHO Civil Protection Unit project, This project is with lead partner the Province of Ancona (Italy), Regione Marche (Italy), Provincia Local di Valencia (Spain), Sofia Muncipality (Bulgaria) and IICT-BAS (Bulgaria) where IICT-BAS was responsible for implementation of a web based system for collecting, sorting and transmitting data about road infrastructure damages in real time. The project is having as partners the municipality of Sofia, region Marche and police and region of Valencia, where due to dense population and meteorological conditions the road infrastructure damages are very often and on time delivered information on the road build boards save time and nerves to the people driving cars. Link: http://goesproject.eu/
- October 2012-present: PRACE project is a pan-European infrastructure seated in Brussels and established as an international non-profit association of European government representative organizations responsible for High-Performance Computing resources and services for public research. Named '˜Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe AISBL', it currently has 24 members, representing Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK. With main task successful runs on fire behaviour cases for Bulgaria on the Bulgarian Blue Gene/P supercomputer machine.
- June 2009 - May 2012: working on international project under SEE program with project title "Practical Use of MONITORing in natural disaster management"- SEE/A/118/2.2/X (acronym: MONITORII), where the main task was technical work development and implementation based on the Inspire directive according to the Bulgarian legislation frame and successful simulation of the hazard maps and contingency planning for the common territory Between Greece and Bulgaria of river Maritsa in the area of Svilengrad.
- 2010 - 2011: working on international project ETN TRICE: Teaching, Research, and Innovation in Computing Education, Erasmus Thematic Network No. 142399-LLP-1-2008-1-BG-ERASMUS-ENW. Consortium - 70 partners from 30 European countries, coordinator - the University of Rousse, (http://trice.ecs.ru.acad.bg), IIT-BAS partnership. Technical support tasks implementation.
- March 2009 - Dec. 2010: International project under DG Environment accepted under second call for proposals 2008: Simulation exercises in the field of the Community Civil Protection Mechanism (2008/C 261/07)" called EVROS2010 (Complex Floods Management in European Union Vulnerable Areas through effective Reaction and Joint Operations Simulation in 2010, 070401/2009/534328/SUB/A3), with main tasks scenario development and implementation and dissemination plans preparation for the international groups participating in the table top exercise and field exercise on river Maritsa in the area from Orestiada to Alexandroupulis
- December 2012 - February 2015: a national project supported by the Operational Programme "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy" 2007 - 2013, BG161PO003-1.1.06-0036-C0001 "A Unified Platform for Administration, Automation, and Management of Internationally Recognized Standards". The main objective of the project is to build an innovative product, a platform, for administration, automation, and management of internationally recognized standards with modules supporting the models for management of internationally recognized standards and tools for typical processes, pre-developed scenarios and set-ups, a set of pre-defined forms, conventional registers, specialized registers, internal communication, systems for assessment, control and support of the audits.
- 2012 - 2014: working on national project supported by the National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under call for "Fundamental scientific research support - 2012" Grant I01/0006 "Simulation of wildland fire behaviour"
- 2009 - 2012: working on national project supported by the National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under Ideas Concourse Grant DID-02-29 "Modelling Processes with Fixed Development Rules (ModProFix)", with runs of WRF-Fire model for Bulgarian fire in the area of Harmanli.
- 2009 - 2012: working on national project supported by the National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under Thematic Concourse Grant No DTK02/71 "Web-Based Interactive System, Supporting the Building Models and Solving Optimization and Decision Making Problems", with main task optimization of the fire behaviour modelling with WRF-Fire.
- 2009 - 2011: working on national project supported by the National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under Yong researchers Concourse Grant DMU 02/14 "Collecting and Processing of Data Concerning Wild land Fires, Occurred On The Bulgarian Territory In The Recent Years By Using WEATHER RESEARCH AND FORECASTING MODEL-FIRE (WRF-FIRE)", with main task data collection for calibration of the past fire in the area of Leshnikovo, near Harmanli.
- 2009 - 2010: working on national project supported by the National Science Fund of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under call for stimulation of the scientific research in the state universities, Grant DVU01/0430, project title "Informational Security: Trusted Platforms", with main task of platform tests and publication activities.
- 2009 - 2010: Social Fund and Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science under Operative Program "Human Resources Development", Grant BG051PO001-3.3.04/40.