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IICT - BAS, department of Communication and Computer Systems

The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IICT) is founded on 1-st of July 2010 as a sucessor of Institute for Parallel Processing (IPP), Institute of Information Technologies (IIT) and Institute of Computer and Communication Systems (ICCS).

The Department of "Communication and Computer Systems" is the successor of the Department "Communication Systems and Services", IICT-BAS. The latter was formed by former departments "Integrated Systems for Digital Data Processing" and "Dependable Computing and Communication Systems" from ICCS-BAS, and the department of "Mechatronic Sensory Systems" by CLMI-BAS (Central Laboratory of Mechatronics and Instrumentation).

Department directions:

Participation in exhibition "Embedded world 2011",
1-3 March 2011, Nuremberg, Germany

  • Sensor information system
    The main research objectives are: sensor's data acquisition, information processing and process control, sensor - information systems, connection between distributed systems and microprocessor controllers. The research focus is on the relation between different communication interfaces/ environments and specially on the connection between wireless sensor networks and conventional systems/environments, and on development of microprocessor distributed systems for information processing and control. The activity is directed to design of network systems embracing research apparatus as end-devices with wireless communication between them; research on ZigBee technology implementation for control of swarm of mobile devices; extension of wireless sensor networks application - work on SMART METERING direction and development of wireless sensor networks for home automation and consumption monitoring; realization and integration of wireless abilities with industrial application and process control.

  • Personalized technology enhanced learning (eLearning)
    Approaches to learner modelling, adaptable and adaptive e-learning environments, instruments for development of educational materials (facilities), reuse of educational materials (facilities), collaboration of partners in the teaching-learning process, learning technologies, development of educational e-games. The research focus is on the development of personalized learning facilities for pupils with specific learning difficultes like dyslexic and autism.
  • Dependable, secure, and resilient computer systems and networks
    Modelling fault-tolerant systems and networks; developing simulation models of real-time process control systems, study of the quality of service of communication networks. Recently, the efforts are directed towards research in the fields of information security and the development of the concept of resilience: study of future and emerging information security threats, developing methods and models to decrease vulnerabilities in systems and networks, and improving networks' protection against attacks (e.g., in wireless sensor networks), implementation of security tools in control systems operating in open network environment. Researches continue with the development of the dependability and security model with new properties, such as: self-healing, adaptation to changes, as well as use of cognitive/artificial intelligence technologies, aiming at more efficient dealing with future challenges, i.e., use and implementation of the resilience approach.

  • Compression, processing, recognition and security of digital visual information
    Lossless compression of digital grey level ang color images. Methods for covert communications on the base of digital carrier images. Using digital watermarks for multimedia document authentication and integrity verification. Multimedia document authentication by means of biometrical watermark.

Current projects:

Modeling and Research of Intelligent Educational Systems and Sensor Networks (ISOSeM). (�P�06-�47/4, 26.11.2020)

Last update: May 2024